Anubis lying down statue in black

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Anubis lying down statue in black height 7 inch width 9.5 inch

55.00 USD

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SKU: 18


Anubis lying down statue in black

Anubis lying down statue in black is a popular representation of the Egyptian god Anubis.

He is often depicted in this position with the head of a jackal and the body of a human.

Black symbolizes the afterlife, so Anubis is often seen in this color.


In ancient Egypt, the color black symbolized death and renewal.

The color black is believed to represent fertile land, which was considered a symbol of the afterlife.


It is believed that Anubis was responsible for protecting the dead from evil people, and ensuring their smooth transition to the afterlife.

It is also believed that he was responsible for weighing the heart of the dead on the scales of truth, determining whether the dead were worthy of the afterlife.


The statue of Anubis reclining in black is usually made of stone or wood.

It is often made of limestone or marble.

The statue can be small or large, depending on its purpose.

Small statues are usually used in tombs, while large statues are used in temples.


Anubis lying down statue in black is an important symbol of ancient Egyptian culture.

It represents the protection of the deceased on his journey to the afterlife.


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